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New to Massage?

What is Massage?

What are the benefits of Massage?

What can I expect during my Massage?

What should I wear?

How will I feel during and after my Massage?

Should I consult with a doctor before my Massage?


Do You have night and weekend appointments?

How long should my massage be?


Gift Certificates

Can I purchase gift certificates?

Shiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy™

What is Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy™ ?

Special Requests

Do you offer Prenatal Massage?


What should I do if I need to cancel my appointment?

What type of payments do you accept?


What is Massage?

Massage is a therapeutic practice which uses a systematic approach to release tension and purge waste products from the soft tissue of the body. Doing so increases the circulation of the blood and lymph system. This results in reduced stress, relief from pain and an overall sense of well-being

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What are the benefits of massage?

Massage improves circulation, eases muscle tension and pain, strengthens the immune system, and improves posture. Other benefits include peace of mind, increased flexibility and enhancing calm thinking and creativity.

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What can I expect during my Massage?

When you arrive for your first session, you will be asked to fill out a quick form that will help us to asses your needs and customize the session specifically for you. You will then be instructed by your therapist to start face up or face down. The therapist will leave the room while you disrobe and get on the table under the covers. There will be soft soothing music playing during your massage. At the end of the session, your therapist will once again leave the room allowing you to get dressed and leave when you are ready.

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What should I wear?

There is no specific clothing requirement. Wear what will make you most comfortable.

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How will I feel during and after my Massage?

It is important for you to communicate with your therapist. Massage should never produce extreme pain. On a chart of 1-10, with 10 being the most painful, you should be in a range between 5 and 7. You may be sore if this is the first massage you have ever received or it has been more than 6 weeks since your last session. This soreness may be similar to the soreness you feel after a workout. If this occurs, it means your body is responding to the work that has been done, and your muscles are getting healthier. Some things that can alleviate the soreness are to drink a lot of water after the massage, soak in Epsom salts in a hot bath, and do some gentle stretching while your muscles are still warm (never stretch when your muscle are cold).

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Should I consult with a doctor before my Massage?

If you have any injuries or are currently in physical therapy it is always important to let your doctor know that you are considering massage. When you arrive for your first session you will be asked to fill out a form. It is important that you disclose any pertinent information concerning medical condition or injuries. Massage is very therapeutic and your therapist can taylor your session to benefit existing conditions. It is always important to maintain a dialogue with your therapist during a session. Let her know how you are feeling.

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Do You have night and weekend appointments?

Yes we have weekend appointments available.

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How long should my massage be?

There are many different session lengths available. We will customize the length of your session based upon your health goals. A standard session is 60 minutes. If you are large or tall 90 minutes is recommended to give your therapist adequate time to do a thorough message. Indulge yourself with a luxurious Journey try our 120 minute massage.

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Can I Purchase Gift Certificates?

Yes. Please call for more information.

What is Oriental Bar Therapy™ ?

Ashiatsu is an ancient form of Japanese massage with western influences. Soft, clean feat and cream are used to produce a penetrating, luxurious massage that both relaxes and rejuvenates your body.

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Do you offer Prenatal Massage?

Yes, we do offer prenatal massage. Please consult your doctor before scheduling.

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What happens if I cancel my appointment?

If you need to cancel your appointment please call. There is no charge to cancel your appointment if notice is given within 24 hours. Within 12 hours of notice you will be responsible for half the cost of your appointment. The courtesy of advanced notice gives us time to fill the appointment. If we receive less than 12 hour notice for cancellation the full cost of your appointment will be billed to you.

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What type of Payments to you accept?

We accept personal check or money order/cashier's check. We do not accept credit cards at this time.



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